Saturday, March 12, 2011

skype conference!!!!!

smer org tgh dowk cuak nk kner interview...luckily, ader senior2 yg sgp nk tlong(and diorg mmg btol2 tolong okeyy.)..dh mcm2 tips senior2 ireland bg...siap ader grup 'FLYING IRELAND' lagi..hahaha..bger btol..punyer lar gigih diorg nk tolong sampai sgp arrange maser nk wat skype conference ngan kitrg..kononnyer lg senang coz bley tgk muker..bley wat mock interview...but thing turns out x braper nk jdi...mendi sumer atas KEGIGIHAN azizh aisya (bapak skema ayat..hahahaha)..zizah arrange mender ni utk jd jugak2..mmg nmpak r dier usaha btol2 nk tolong kawan2...CREDIT 4 AZIZAH.....sian tgk dier td..she tried her best to make sure everything okey...but luck not on her side..ader jer prob lar..internet prob lar..sound prob last dier kner ulas blik per yg senior tu ckp..obvious sgt zizah x kedekut ilmu and mmg btol2 nk tolong kwn2...wlupon bender mcm x braper jadik, tp smpat gak r senior2 tu menurunkan per2 yg ptt..mcm attire,politik kat ireland,disease kat ireland, cultural kat ireland, and mcm2 r..

so aku pown gigih lar dok mencari bhn utk inyerview ni...aku ader search pasal most common disease in ireland..cystic fibrosis....actually it is an inherited disease that cause thick,sticky mucus to build up in the lung and digestive tract(copy wiki jer ni..hehehe) mcm best gak wat keje2 least ader r gak tau psl mender lain slain dr per yg ader lam marieb(mcm bacer sgt jer per lm marieb tu..wakakakak)

but i think this week gonna be the most horible weeek.. i've interview on tuesday,class as usual on tuesday and wednesday(which is also the interview day), 2 chap test on wednesday,lab test on thusday,tersangggggaaatttttt lar x best.....hahahahahaha

ckp r ni....nt ader jmper mender bru aku post g..hehehehe...chhiioowwww